Saturday, September 15, 2012

Medical Marijuana Improves Good Result in Multiple Sclerosis

by Administrator 21. October 2011 05:29 

Medical Marijuana for Multiple Sclerosis

Medical marijuana for Multiple Sclerosis has confirmed to be a helpful medicine for people with this incapacitating disease. Around 350,000 people in the United States are expected to suffer from multiple sclerosis. It is a disease that affects the central nervous system, and at times can be critical.

Multiple Sclerosis is the most common disabling neurological disease of younger age groups. Usually, Multiple Sclerosis is more common in women and usually happens between the ages of 20 and 40 even though symptoms may vary depending on the person, spasticity is the most common problem that most Multiple Sclerosis patients have to face. This phenomenon causes many problems for patients, including spasm, pain and loss of functionality. It also gives causing difficulty when they are in care of nursing professionals.

Know all about Multiple Sclerosis in Detail
Multiple Sclerosis and Medical Marijuana 
The use of medical marijuana in multiple sclerosis may help alleviate problems associated with spasticity, and also proved to help people improve tremor. Multiple Sclerosis is known as a disease that demolishes the defensive cover of courage fibers, identified as myelin, both in the spinal cord and brain. It has been shown in pharmacological studies of medical marijuana in Multiple Sclerosis disease has a positive collision on the momentum systems of the central nervous system, which helps decrease the symptoms of spasticity and tremor. Irritation and damage of myelin is thought to be caused by disorders of the protected system, and the use of medical marijuana in Multiple Sclerosis treatment has confirmed to decrease the autoimmune attack potentially having a positive effect on the protected system.

Possibly the most significant optimistic qualities reported by patients who used marijuana in Multiple Sclerosis is that many patients who were before confined to a wheelchair said that they could walk without assistance, when they increasing smoke medical marijuana. Many patients who have used this a lot of medical marijuana was also reported to improve sense of balance and positive impact on bladder control, vision, speech, tremors and muscle spasms.

Although no research has yet to be done, it seems that medical marijuana for Multiple Sclerosis may also be able to slow down the process of neurodegeneration. This leads to chronic disability in Multiple Sclerosis and other diseases, and is able to slow down this process can mean the health and lives of many people in the central nervous system diseases.


RSD affeced side spead it through the entire body



MARCH 22, 2012


1 comment:

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