Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Rating on MY co-op

This may sound wonky, hinky, whatever, but as a Stage 4 RSD patient with RSD/CRPS when I decided to switch to a more natural form of pain control, and met up with CCC, I am going to say this thing that so very many  patients in my position call Hope.

Sounds stupid?  Picture living in am apartment, unable to leave without help.  Then a procedure goes wrong.  Now, you are limited to your bedroom, the same four walls, while the pain entrenches itself into the base of the brain, and STOPS responding to the traditional nerve blocks, even a trial of another invasive procedure-leaving you wheelchair and bed-bound-and now, as you can't keep up with your calorie needs-and in THAT kind of pain, truly "intractable" pain-they wanted to put dope-not any kind that would help other developing symptoms: muscle spasm, vascular spasm, what are known to the general public as "cluster headaches-only yours never stops), spasticity, and stuff that people don't want to think about next: tube feeding, long-term care centers-home health, and needing assistance to use the bathroom.  But and head to toe, my body felt like it'd been lit on fire, and left to burn, as I lay in my bed, being prescribed thousands of dollars in anticonvulsants to treat "nerve pain" (didn't work), thousands more in pain meds I won't name-or take, and they served to make one sicker, unable to eat-taking meds to combat a growing list of side effects.  Upwards of 30+ pills is not unheard of to take and some more...Between January and April of 2012, when I decided I'd had enough "Treatment" and it was more likely to kill me before my 40th birthday at age 37.  Not for me.  I told the doctor to send my records to a 'mmj cliic" in the area-and am now seeing why she was about ready to inject me with cannabis-Rick Simpson was recommended, medibles, and she said essentially any money I could touch to spend it on mmj, medibles, and so forth.

Well, now we are almost in September-and my friends, who are not even "MMJ patients" have seen the turnaround in my health-I am even looking for work-dream job would be right with CCC, truthfully.  Why?  Not only for better "access" and also the $$ to make more regular donations: but my neurologist, though he'd like to see me weigh more-that too is improving with an EXCELLENT selection of Indicas!  I am: no longer on pain medication all the time: bud-I would wait it out and tear into some of the Indica's that you get, though I have found looking not just at THC-but other counts as CCC staff has educated me over the months: my pain levels are far better controlled, I was "not invited to return to the pain clinic. Fine with me: their procedures and invasiveness has left me stuck sleeping in the hospital bed: That, however-is about the remnant of it-and that I do require a wheelchair, which I have adapted to, but can even now, with some good bud on board, tolerate walking short distances.

I had my qualifications without my vital signs being taken-or being touched by the doctor (as it would have been too painful that day) who recommended getting me a good coopp-and fast....

When I found CCC, as my reviews have reflected, there was one instance where I was unhappy with the bud-but I also didn't communicate well what I needed, so it was a good part on me.

But in trying again, it gets better and better: there are some fabulous strains-and now that my system has detoxified-to the practical joy of my GP: who sees so little of me, HE  came by, worried something had happened, found me happily smoking a bowl, with the fine CCC coffee (a must-I do need to get more), and had several sodas in the fridge, eating medibles that day a friend wired me money for, when seeing they had "real food" and ordered me to get some-ok, it has meds it in, I will try it!  Just one thing on my Christmas list this year: money into Pay Pal I can turn to cash and donate!

Damage that has been permanent has been caused by 'medical treatment.'  You won't catch me near another pain clinic, pain doctor-I will see a GP for necessary bloodwork.  And a vascular surgeon--to have my stupid port REMOVED, and that was supposed to be "permanent."

The fine medibles I create on my own (hey, I am creative!) and now I settle on firing up for part of a bown a few times a day-and on a bad day, more-on a good day, less, but yeah, I probably come across as the type that dreams about my MMJ-I do!  Because it has taken me from a place that was miseirable hell to a fun, cool to deal with staff, awesome delivery drivers, knowledgeable staff: I hope that I would be of caliber, and also: though in a chair, I can show you photos of a person you would not recognize: me before the fine meds at CCC.

But it doesn't stop with me.  A friend of mine, who suffers CRPS as well, only has had it even longer: has watched the healing as I post my photos, and write in my blog, and as we talk on the phone: she and her husband are selling a home they have raised a family in, lived in, and is PAID for, and are moving to a state where she can legally have what I do: naturally grown path to better pain relief.  Other friends, some in this state will on occassion, as none are rich, send me what they can: this is drying up, unfortunately, but you know, it's at a time where I can get with some Afgoo, a good night's sleep-as long as my legs are elevated, and get through the day beginning with your excellent coffee.

And on all that?  Yeah, I function better than ever. I am beginning PT in the home, which 3 months ago, doctors said wouldn't ever happen.  Yes: it has cost me associations with groups that are supposed to "represent RSD patients," but if horse tranqs in my veins is all they have to offer?  CCC, your bud is a much easier-and way less expensive choice, as for any "treatment" with that garbage, I would have to fly out of state.  Better uses for that kind of cash.

Call a major co-op-they are most likely to have more than bud, but to have many things: bud, medibles, cooking oil, you name it: even pain relief on the go-hash pops!  Bulk prices would rock on that, but a person can dream!

And they are not so expensive you can't pick up more than one or six hash pops with the next delivery.

Lastly-all meds are properly labeled, not just with a co-op sticker, but your name, how much you got with your donation, what it is, THC content, if room CBD, and so on.

I think that our politicians being funded by geeks with chemistry sets is why a friend of mine is in hiding: her daughter was poisoned-and killed-by doctors' overprescribing.  That also-even through the haze of treatment-nerve blocks? My needles went in the base of either side of the neck: that's important stuff-I don't want anyone mucking around there anymore: already it's put me in a wheelchair: what was next??  I wasn't sticking around to find out.

And when the good doc stopped by-I gave him any further controlled substances and asked if he'd have them disposed of-that the CCC bud and medibles-and yeah, he was eyeballing my quarter-ounce brownies.  I said he could have one, but it would be about one month before he's pass HIS own UA.  He left them alone.  Turns out-saving the small amts that won't pack a bowl does pay out...one brownie? Hehehe....let you guess on that.

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