Friday, August 17, 2012

MMJ is medically value-less? Makes no difference?

I have Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, and doctors want to run when they see you coming.  Typically you have a bad flare, they give a block-or in my case a few bud now as I finally pulled the plug on any more "pain doctors, specialists. Invasive procedures for tens of thousands.  BlueCross got stabbed. If they gave me one month as I need it, I garauntee you: my doctor would see nothing of me.

Oh, hell no!

Your meds are so very far superior, that it makes me sit here and try and dream of ways to always have my legally prescribed mmj and only from CCC.  I have had maybe thought you guys have the best jobs in the world, and the flower is ammazing. Today it was mostly Sativa-I almost never get too much Sativa, but today I very much needed SERIOUS butt kick in the pain and anxiety department, as my disease has progressed to the final stages-The much "contraversial" (in the RSD/CRPS community it's that way) could have seen me yesterday...

I have been "not invited" to renew memberships out there supposedly for those who use cannabis for their pain control, even when legally prescribed mmj, are often shunned.  Well, go for it-if they want to be in pain with spastic limbs, painful muscle spasms, then I keep my $20 and get 2g from CCC.  I now am open to anything suggested by someone who works at CCC, all the way to the drivers: mine today was great!  Friendly, asked how the bud was last time, and I said as awesome as he said it would be.

Thanks to the bud I get from CCC knocks out better the pain than the amount of money the GOVERNMENT paid (now who is the joke on?) out of MEDICARE topped already over $100K by April.  Good on you gor handing them their bu(TTS) because even the $7K/month, not ONE BIT of it helped the worst pain I've had in my life!!!


But now?  Pain-wise, if I could divert the cash BC paid to those IDIOT doctors for helping me so much with such fantastic relief-I'd do it, just because your all are so amazing: not for getting me trashed on the appropriate occassion, but for the relief on the spasms and in general being so compassionate in doing aour absolute BEST to make sure I feel cared not just for but ABOUT: and not just for the donation I have, where I live, and spent formerly-hours alone in so much pain it is amazing to me that I feel so very much BETTER.

The drivers are helpful when they see you-they'll tell you best ways to burn, how it worked for them, if they take meds: I found it helped for....

Deliveries are prompt, and professional, and agakn, what they sent, though mostly Sativ, has thus far been fantastic and the spacticity is GONE as are the anxiety and it was EVERY bit she said and then some!

Wonderful job again...if you want to hire me, I have some good baking (not like now) and computer  and lots of stuff.  I can sober up enough to stay legally not

Here I am after taking my marijuana.  Now.   What is the problem?  I am smiling, happy, and damned near pain FREE!  Why can't I just have that?  Why can't I not suffer....

1 comment:

  1. I know JJ. It's not PC! I guess chemistry is. Makes me caught between thrilled at advances in growing excellent medical grade marijuana and wishing I lived in a time before "heroic measures.

    Call me....greenstoner.
