Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Does Brain Cancer Kill-or something FAR MORE lethal-absolute power?

Rick Simpson's Hemp Oil-

Published by Jan


Rick Simpson's "hemp oil" is suppose to be great stuff.  Personally I think he should call it "medical marijuana oil".  I am sitting here looking at the two page instruction sheet about how to make it.  He says:

Starting Material:  good grade medical marijuana (one ounce to one pound)  An ounce of cannabis will produce 3 or 4 grams of oil.  Two new or clean buckets, crushing, stirring stick (baseball bat), rice cooker, two stainless steel pans, solvent, decanting containers (glass), oven mitts, a warming element (heating), this could be a one or two burner element or even a coffee warmer, glass candy thermometer,  (2) 12 ml. syringes.
500 milliliters of solvent necessary to do up one ounce of marijuana starting material
500 milliliters is approximately equal to sixteen (16) fluid ounces
One (1) U. S. gallon equals 128 U. S. fluid ounces

1. Place dry marijuana bud and or budshake in a clean (or new) plastic bucket

2. Dampen the bud shake with the solvent you are using. (naptha, acetone, 99% isopropyl alcohol).  Alcohol absorbs more chlorophyll from the plant material than naptha does, giving the finished oil a much darker color.  This has nothing to do with the quality however.  Ether, naptha, or butane (and many other solvents) produce oils that are amber transparent.  The finished oil looks better but it is not more potent than the dark oil.
Rick Simpson likes to use naptha, I have used acetone.  The process requires approximately two gallons of solvent to strip the THC (and other cannabinoids) off of one pound of dry starting cannabis.  So 500 milliliters of solvent should be  more than enough to strip the cannabinoids off of one (1) ounce of medical marijuana.

3. Crush the plant material in the bottom of the bucket (use a clean stick or whatever you have).  The marijuana can be easily crushed.

4. Add solvent (into the bucket) until the cannabis is completely covered.  Use your tool to work the plant material.  As you do this the THC dissolves off the plant material into the solvent.

5. Continue this process for about 3-5 minutes.

6. Pour the solvent/oil mix off the plant material into another clean bucket.  You have successfully stripped the marijuana of approximately 80 % of its THC.

7. Second wash--again add solvent (fresh) to the same plant material and work it for another 3-5 minutes to get the remaining 20 % of cannabinoids.

8. Pour this solvent/oil mix into your bucket containing the first mix you poured off.

9. Discard the twice washed marijuana (throw it onto your compost pile).

10. Pour the solvent/oil mixture through a coffee filter into a clean container.

11. Boil off the solvent.  A rice cooker does a good job.

12. Add the mix to your rice cooker pan until it is about 3/4 full (no more than that in the rice cooker pan.  If you are making a smaller amount, it will probably just cover the bottom of the pan.  Well ventilated room with the fans going.  The fumes are volatile.  No gas stoves, no flames of any kind, no cigarettes, etc, no red hot elements, no sparks!

13. Plug the rice cooker in and set it on high heat.

14. Continue adding solvent/oil mixture as the level in the rice cooker goes down (it will keep cooking down (shrinking))

15. Add a few drops of water to the mixture as the level comes down for the last time.

16. When there is about one inch of solvent/oil/water mixture left in the cooker, put on your oven mitts and pick the pan up and gently swirl the contents.

17. Continue swirling until the solvent has been evaporated off.  The few drops of water help release the solvent residue and protect the oil from getting too hot. When the solvent has been boiled off, the cooker he uses, automatically goes to the low heat.  This avoids any danger of overheating the oil.  Never overheat mixture.  Never let the temperature go over 290 degrees F.  Your aim is to have no solvent residue left in your oil.

18. Put on oven mitts and remove the (container of oil) from the rice cooker.

19. Gently pour the oil into a smaller stainless steel container.

20. Place the container in a dehydrator or put it on a gentle heating device (coffee warmer).  It may take a few hours but the water and volatile turpenes will  evaporate from the oil. 

21. Pour the hot oil into a glass container; or let it cool then suck it up into a syringe.  It is easy to dispense from a syringe. When cool, the oil will be thick (like grease).  If too thick to squeeze out, drop syringe into a cup of warm water for about ten minutes.

Rick Simpson says,
"I would not consider taking any cancer treatments currently in use by our medical system.  I do not recommend that hemp oil be taken along with chemotherapy.  What would be the sense of making your own cure and then allowing the medical system to give you massive doses of poison?  To anyone who is going to act on this information, I welcome you to the world of real medicine."   "I have found that most pharmaceuticals are no longer needed once a person starts using hemp oil."

"Again, I caution you to be very careful when boiling the solvent off.  The fumes are very flammable.  Stay away from red-hot elements, sparks, cigarettes, etc. as they could ignite the fumes."

Rick Simpson believes his "hemp oil" cures cancer.

Read on:

I got this in the body of an email from a fellow RSD'er-I smoke weed: it nails my spasticity and has easily quartered the toxic medication I was on.  And RSD is an essentially untreatable disorder when it's full-body and has spread to your face?  Hmmmm, and my personality is "waking up" because I am not in the "pothead" is why I am saying everyone should smoke dope and it is a cure for what ails you.  But when you are fooling with my Central Nervous System, please be careful, thanks!  I'd like to be alive after my procedure, meaningfully, if possible.  I think at this point in this "blogger's" life-the best way is to not have any.  Except to take the port out.

Here it is:

Almost four years ago Michigan legalized medical marijuana and for the past 2 and 1/2 Years the Michigan Cannabis Cancer Project has been freely providing Cannabis oil to state licensed medical marijuana patients that have been diagnosed with cancer and have chosen to use cannabis oil instead of chemo radiation. As a result of providing cannabis oil made as instructed by Rick Simpson and following his recommended dosage of a gram a day until the cancer is in remission. I have been witnessed to over 15 cases of various cancers being eliminated with only using cannabis oil. I have had the honor of talking to Rick Simpson on several occasions and I believe the world owes Mr Simpson a debt of Gratitude for freely sharing and instructing the world on how to make this oil. At least a couple of 
Parents I know personaly are deeply grate...ful to Rick Simpson for sharing this knowlegd one such case is the parents of a 16 yr old diagnosed a year ago in July with terminal brain cancer the spider web type the parents were told that she that she would have about 18 months to live and that chemo radiation could buy her a few more months. After some research and careful consideration amongst the family members they decided to use cannabis oil as instructed by Rick Simpson and only cannabis oil not chemo radiation. Well its been a year now and she has been consuming a gram or more a day for year. The last test results in February showed that we stopped the growth and she has been living life as normal teenager with out loosing her hair and getting sick oh she also passed her drivers training with flying colors along with her DMV road test while consuming a daily dose of cannabis oil. We are anticipating her test results this August. This is just one of the cases the we provided for and have test results that prove that cannabis oil cures cancer eliminates cancer or kills cancer.
The Cannabis Cancer Project is committed in discovering and sharing the truth about this oil that is why we go to great lengths to providing this oil free to cancer patients that have chosen and are committed to this form of treatment.
But none of this could be possible it were not for people that care and donate to this cause. 
Just Like Mr Rick Simpson who started it all.
If you would like to donate in to this cause you can buy Ricks newly released book or email the cannabis Cancer Project.
Check out Rick Simpsons newly realeased book Phoenix Tears the Rick Simpson Story you can get a copy at.
Here's the thing that is sadder:  the fucking government has apparently decided to assasinate these fine people: they have shut down the cancer project.  I wish I could donate: now only I can speak out.  They are going to MURDER a four year old boy:

"Power corrupts...absolute power corrupts--absolutely."  God love ya, kiddo.  Anyone wanting to have a photo posted to this blog of someone else murdered by that action, post a comment, and I will contact you.

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