Monday, June 18, 2012

De-criminalizing MJ in New Hampshire! You vote first, set the mark-make it LEGAL!!! Just one step forward!!!

New Hampshire Set to Decriminalize Weed

Posted by & filed under News, NORML, Politics.

Exciting, breaking news out of New Hampshire today, where penalties for marijuana could soon be drastically reduced. Via our friends over at NORML
On Tuesday, members of the House Criminal Justice Committee voted 9 to 7 in favor of HB 1526, which reduces the penalties for minor marijuana possession offenses (up a half ounce) from a criminal misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail and a $2,000 fine to a nominal monetary penalty ($250 for the first offense), no arrest, and no criminal record.
On Thursday, members of this same Committee voted 10-7 in favor of HB 1705, which seeks to allow adults age 21 or over to use marijuana legally in their home.
Both measures will soon be voted on by the full House. If you reside in New Hampshire, please contact your member of the House and urge their support for these marijuana law reform measures. NORML’s ‘Take Action’ page has legislative alerts for HB 1526 hereand for HB 1705 here. [NORML]
Get it done, New Hempshires!

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